Arnaud Vandermeiren

Arnaud Vandermeiren

actor, director, author, coach, producer
musician, theatremaker, filmmaker, producer

Directing & coaching

  • Do you want to improve your acting talent?

  • Do you want to take your performance to the next level?

  • Are you looking for direction in your theater or film production?

  • Do you need a professional eye?

  • Don you want training in how to speak for groups?

Arnaud Vandermeiren is an actor, director, actor coach, theater and filmmaker. He has been on stage since he was 7 years old. He studied physical acting at the international theater school of Denmark.

    Quality and professionalism are are his standards. Arnaud has a gift for bringing out the best in people and uses this in his work as a coach and director.
    His goal is to make life-changing performing arts productions, so it's not just about developing the talents, but also about educating the artist himself.
    The focus Arnaud pursues is teaching how the person can serve the audience, cast and production with the artistic gifts they have been given.

    Contact us for more information

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